This full moon occurs at 21.11 UT /GMT in the sign of Scorpio. This is a rare Blue Moon, and is also the celebration of Wesak, the birth, enlightenment and passing of Gautama Buddha.
Keywords are magic, alchemy, transformation, empowerment, opportunity, bridge, shift, revelation, truth, foundations, enlightenment, rebirth.
The Sun is at 27 degrees Taurus, and the Moon is at 27 degrees Scorpio. This means we are called to find the balance between these opposite signs.
As the Sun moves through Taurus, we pay attention to the ground beneath our feet. Are your foundations solid? What are the material structures of your life, and are they working? Practicalities come into focus, and making sure the nuts and bolts of your life are in place. You may be thinking about how you can do the things you enjoy, and find the time for simple pleasures, while also knowing that your finances are in order. Taurus wants things simple, and taken care of. There is no room for worry or stress, so you will be looking to eliminate these from your life.
With the Moon illuminating the opposite sign of Scorpio, the psychological elements come into play, and hidden truths are revealed. What are the people around you really thinking? What are their true motivations? This is bound to come out in words or actions, as you witness a deeper level of reality.
Inside you, it is important to know why you are doing what you are doing. Perhaps you will question everything, even a long term career, relationship or way of life. Scorpio wants you to look deeper. Even though you may have journeyed far, healed many wounds, and found clarity in your meditation, you can always go further and deeper. Peel back another layer, shed your skin on this Scorpio moon. What will be revealed will be more authenticity, as you align yourself ever truer to you heart, and inner purity.
The Moon is sextiling Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, which gives us an opportunity to deal with the heavy weight of responsibilities in a different way. What was bearing down on you, can be completely transformed by a simple shift in perception. Meditate on taking the struggle out of things. Choose not to focus on lack, but instead what you can do to generate more abundance. The universe will always deliver.
Scorpio is the sign of deep transformation and rebirth. To be reborn, we have to die to ourselves over and over again. Let go. Most of the problems and issues in your life are probably the result of clinging onto things that are outworn, outmoded, and of no value to your soul growth any longer. Learn to recognise this and set yourself free, whether they be beliefs, feelings, relationships, situations, or being controlled by other people’s judgments of you.
Scorpio is the sign of magical alchemy, and to truly be the alchemist of your life, you have to dig deep and find your inner strength. The negative traits of Scorpio are power and control, possessiveness, obsessiveness and manipulation. To flip these around, means that your mind is so strong that no one can manipulate you. No-one can have any power over you unless you let them. When you find that inner strength, you will also find your self-belief. With that you can do anything.
This Full Moon is trine to Neptune in Pisces, sending high spiritual energies flooding through this cosmic gateway. You can allow this energy to download through your crown chakra as you sit in meditation and pure intention. Ask the energy to dissolve any remaining blockages, anything hindering your growth and transformation.
The Sun is conjunct Mercury in Taurus, so this is an extremely perceptive Moon, allowing you to find the balance between the deep alchemical insights of Scorpio and the earthy, grounded nature of Taurus. All will be revealed to you if you look. This is a powerful time to ask for deeper insights into your patterns, or what may be blocking you on your path.
On this full moon night, take the time to find your inner alchemist, and facilitate your transformation. Magic is at hand.
Katy Sophia 18.05.2019
Soul Radiance Astrology Katy Sophia 18.05.2019