We are now entering the Lions Gate – a powerful window of time between 26 July and 12 August, when the energies of Sirius are affecting our planet directly through our Sun.
Sirius is the higher star to our Sun, and its cycle, known as the Sothic cycle, is tied to our Sun. This is why the rising of Sirius was considered to be New Year’s Day for the ancient Egyptians.
Sirius comes from a Greek word that means, Scorching One. The brightest star in the sky has the quality of brilliance. Known as Sothis to the Greeks, and Sopdet to the ancient Egyptians, this star is associated with renewal. Its rising heralded the annual flooding of the Nile, bringing new life and fertility to the land. The desert would be made green like the colour of Osiris, the god of agriculture.
The Star Sirius is the Star of Isis, the great mother goddess. As She rose in her dazzling brilliance, the Nile waters would flood the land, and when the waters drew back, the fertile black soil of Khemet would nourish the people for another year.
The 25 July is known as the Mayan Day Out of Time. This day has the quality of being in between dimensions; neither belonging to one time period or another; coming just before the 26 July which was the annual heliacal rising of Sirius. This is a day when things are thought to have no consequence. You may receive messages and visions from beyond, as you enter a dreamlike state, or trance meditation.
Sirius conjoins with our Sun on 5 – 6 July every year. The 26 July is said to be the heliacal rising of Sirius, but actually it will rise before the Sun on different dates in different latitudes, beginning around 17 July at 10° North, moving through August to early September at 60° North. The Lions Gate window is the most powerful time of this energy of Sirius, when we are able to connect with the lightcodes from this brilliant star as it aligns with our Sun.
The Sun is in Leo at this time, the sign of its rulership. The pyramids of Giza are located at central point on earth, where the cosmic energy floods into the Sahara through the rising of Sirius. This is also the location of the Sphinx, the most ancient and mysterious monument on earth. Believed by many to be a lioness, such as the ancient Creator Goddess Tefnut; there is no doubt that lion beings were highly regarded in ancient Egypt. Sekhmet is a primordial Creator Goddess with statues all over Egypt. However, the Sphinx is also known as Horus of the Horizon, and may in fact have been a representation of Anubis guarding the entrance to the underworld. The Sphinx was placed in this significant position guarding the Hall of Records.
As we enter the Lions Gate window, the Sun in Leo encourages you to be all that you are. Allow the inner light to expand in your heart, and find the strength to be vulnerable and heart centred in your communication. Courage means, to be strong of heart. This is the essence of the lion /lioness.
The sign of the lion asks you to embody the qualities of strength, courage, playfulness, creativity, dignity, regality, sovereignty, authenticity, fearlessness and divinity.
The energy of Sirius heralds a new beginning; a time of inner renewal and a rebirth of the light of soul. Like the ancient Egyptians, we can also be reborn at this time. Calling on the power and wisdom of the stars, we can fertilise the soil of our own lives, creating new growth with all that we are.
Above all, this is a time to connect to your soul origins, and your reason for incarnating. The strength will come from within, for whatever your soul desires to express. Allow new insights to come to you through meditation, visioning and journaling.
Never underestimate the strength of the wisdom within.
Katy Sophia 24.07.2024
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