The Full Moon in Sagittarius is the wisdom moon. This brings the balance between intellect and wisdom, the mind and the higher mind, mental focus and guidance from the masters. There are many positive aspects around this moon, including a Venus Jupiter conjunction aligned with the Sun.
The full moon in Sagittarius is known as the festival of humanity. This is the third of three esoterically powerful full moon festivals.
The Sun has entered Gemini, and Venus will also enter this sign on the full moon day, followed by Jupiter two days later. With the Sun in Gemini communications are heightened, and there is much circulation of thoughts and ideas, increased social gatherings and online activity. When Jupiter enters Gemini we may experience “information overload”.
With Venus entering Gemini, the sign of the twins, relationships will benefit from increased communication, and a light-hearted take on things. It is time to introduce more fun and playfulness to proceedings. Change things up, and you may experience desirable shifts in your intimate relationships.
The full moon in the sign of Sagittarius brings a balance to this energy, calling you to look deeper, higher, wider than before. The sacred archer is the eternal seeker of truth. Information is useless without truth. Spiritual seeking gets nowhere without truth. Sagittarius calls you to look at the big picture, and put things in perspective.
The Gemini Sagittarius axis calls us to dig deep and find our inner wisdom; the life wisdom we have earned and the soul wisdom we hold. The wisdom of the masters is present, when we tune in and call on it. Making the shift into 5D means we are continually guided in the present moment.
The moon is making a beautiful trine to Neptune in Pisces, another Jupiter ruled sign. This full moon brings a sense of hope, optimism and broadening of horizons. Maybe your dreams are bigger than you realised. Maybe the possibilities are limitless. The moon is also making an exact sextile to Pluto, allowing an unlocking of existing problems, and providing a key to healing.
There are some beautiful alignments around the Sun, with Venus and Jupiter together in the last degree of Taurus. This is a time of abundance and beauty, with the possibility of love, sensuality and harmony. Coming after the Sun Jupiter conjunction of last weekend, the Venus Jupiter conjunction can also bring great good fortune and blessings. At the 29th degree of Taurus, with an aspect to Neptune, this heralds the Divine Provenance of the Goddess.
The Sun, Venus and Jupiter are in trine to Pluto; a flowing beneficial aspect, bringing the ability to skilfully navigate any problems that may occur, and find solutions to existing issues. There is immense healing potential at the time of this full moon.
On this powerful day, take some time to meditate, give or receive healing, and manifest the things you want to create. The energies are extremely abundant and beneficent.
Full Moon Blessings
Katy Sophia 22.05.2024
Full Flower Moon 2* Sagittarius on 23 May @13.53 GMT /UT
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