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Full Moon in Scorpio Lunar Eclipse – Alchemy & Transformation

Writer's picture: Katy SophiaKaty Sophia

The Full Moon in Scorpio Lunar Eclipse signifies a very intense time of deep cleansing and emotional healing, with many blocks and obstacles arising, and the potential for supreme release and transformation. It completes the pair of eclipses which began with the New Moon in Taurus Solar Eclipse two weeks ago.

Eclipses are about endings and beginnings. This is a time to pay attention to which chapters are closing for you, and which are just beginning. Certain circumstances and relationships may be leaving your life, and it is important to give thanks, surrender and accept the flow. Sometimes we are happy to release things, other times it may come as a shock. Just knowing that this is for our highest good and we don’t always know the reason why, helps to free up the energy to invite in new blessings.

Many are going through powerful initiations, experiences of loss, grief and heartache. The Scorpio journey is about death, transformation and rebirth. The shaman’s death is the hardest thing you can go through, however, it leads to the purest renewal of life force, shedding all those trappings that were weighing you down.

The total lunar eclipse in Scorpio is conjunct the South Node. This means that this is a time of extra intense clearing, on the deep emotional and astral levels, and also past life, karmic and relationship healing. This has been underway in the past two weeks, building up to the release point. This is an invitation to let go of patterns which may have haunted you for many lifetimes. It is an opportunity to clear and resolve relationship karma, freeing up the souls involved through love, forgiveness and release. The South Node patterns which are still unconscious are the most painful things we can realise. Hence why this period is so challenging for so many.

The Sun in Taurus conjunct the North Node and Uranus brings balance and high frequency insights, calling us to look forwards and look to the New Earth whatever it takes. By now, we are used to the Uranian energies disrupting our lives, as the Great Awakener moves through the fixed earth of Taurus. The collective North Node is there, illuminated by the Sun, reminding us that change is imperative. Everything must change. We must not get stuck in any ruts, and we must leave behind the 3D matrix and all it represents.

The Taurus Scorpio axis is about mind and body, strength and stability, deep relating and intimacy, money and finances, earth connection aligned with spirit, and the ability to live as magical alchemical beings on the earth. We are being called to find this balance now. As if this wasn’t enough of a challenge, we also have Saturn in T-square to the Sun and Moon. This brings up all kinds of obstacles, practical, physical, and blocks on any level. The message here is, do not be too hard on yourself. Be self-aware, observe what you are shown, and strive for improvement. However, these energies are putting everyone through the wringer and it is vital to be kind to yourself, take it easy, and pay attention to self-care.

Misunderstandings may arise more easily, as Mercury is retrograding through Gemini, the sign of communication, in the midst of these intense energies. However, it is a good time to go back over communications with people, and clarify things, especially in relationships. A deeper understanding will emerge. This Mercury retrograde has the potential for profound communion and deep release. The house it occupies in your natal chart will shed more light on how it is operating for you.

There are some very positive aspects to this lunation which can be utilised to access profound shifts. The Sun and Mercury are trine Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio. It is possible to tune into the power behind events and the root cause of psychological, emotional and karmic patterns, gaining clear vision and becoming the master healer of your own life. The reason for communication blocks may emerge, and it may not be what you think. The Moon is trine Jupiter in Aries, allowing the energies you transmute within yourself to be immediately channelled into new ventures. The Moon is also trine to Mars and Neptune in Pisces, creating a beautiful flowing energy and impetus to connect more deeply with spirit.

Venus is conjunct Chiron in Aries, otherwise unaspected. The Divine Feminine is in her phase as the warrior queen, boldly going forth and initiating new ventures. There is scope for intense self-healing, as the feminine finds her power and fire to ignite from within. The collective is healing the wounds of Chiron in Aries, made more prominent in relationships with Venus here. The wounds of anger, aggression, rash impulsive actions, triggers, reactions and careless words can be healed and released now. When a situation arises, or a trigger from the past, the key is to make a subtle shift in your own energy and how you respond to it. This will enable it to release itself, and free you from the compulsion of being bound to this pattern any longer.

All in all, this full moon is a time for deep self-reflection, intense purification, emotional purging, karmic cleansing and release. You will be shown those things you need to heal and clear. Meditation, spiritual practice, and sacred ceremony will all yield profound results. The more we clear ourselves, the more we clear for the collective. The more we align with the truth, the stronger our vibration, and more we shift the frequencies in the right direction. We can be strong and shift the collective frequency, by standing as pillars of light and truth. The more density we clear, the more magic we are able to make.

“I see, and when the Eye is opened, All is Light.”

The esoteric keynote of Taurus

To Magical Alchemical Transformations

New Moon Blessings

Katy Sophia 15.05.2022

Artwork: Butterfly Woman by Gunilla Munroe Gillenspetz

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 25° Scorpio 16 May @ 04.14 GMT /UT


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