Welcome to the month of June, as the rising solar light builds towards the Summer Solstice on 20 June. This is a time to be all we can be, and shine the light we have been cultivating within. The Sun in Gemini brings inspired energy for communication, connection, socialising and creating new networks.
Jupiter entered Gemini on 25 May, bringing its magnifying lens to this sign. We will see expanded communications on all levels, and an increase in social media activity, with more information available in all areas of life. Jupiter reminds us that true wisdom is important, rather than getting side-tracked and going down rabbit holes of irrelevant information.
3 June six planet line up in the early morning sky: for the next few days you will be able to see Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune and Saturn rising above the sun at sunrise. This alignment of planets is rare, and creates a highly focused energy all in one quadrant of the sky.
3 June Mercury enters Gemini bringing increased communications and freely circulating energy. Mercury rules the sign of Gemini and brings sharpened intellect and quick-witted conversations. Thoughts and ideas will be fast moving with more information available.
4 June Sun Venus conjunction /Venus cazimi - Venus enters the heart of the sun and is burned up in the solar light, creating an alchemical renewal. Venus is currently in the underworld, meaning she cannot be seen and has disappeared from view. This is a time of deep contemplation and introspection in relationships, with a point of renewal on the Sun Venus conjunction. This is a day to experience renewal of your heart and soul, and the pure essence of the soul connections in your life.
6 June New Moon in Gemini @12.37 GMT /UT
The new moon in Gemini is the beginning of a new lunar cycle, and provides an opportunity to clear away mental clutter, outdated thinking and limiting belief structures. Allow your mind to be refreshed and rejuvenated with new ideas. The new moon is conjunct Venus, bringing sweetness, charm and diplomacy to communications. A square to Saturn means that serious matters cannot be ignored, and must be attended to.
9 June Mars enters Taurus: active energies will become slower and more methodical, patient and determined. The projects that were started and ideas sparked while Mars was in Aries can now benefit from hard work to put the foundations in place.
17 June Mercury & Venus enter Cancer: communications become softer, more sensitive and emotionally focused. People may be more touchy than usual. It is a good time to talk about feelings with those who are receptive. Relationships may be more romantic, with a focus on quality time together.
Sun enters Cancer 20 June – Summer Solstice
On the Summer Solstice, the Sun rises to the peak of the solar light. The Sun enters the sign of Cancer, and we dive deep into emotional realms, as we enter cardinal water. The energy of dreams is strong, and we are more emotionally sensitive. Coming just before the full moon, solar and lunar energies are strong, allowing us to elevate and embrace the masculine and feminine.
22 June Full Moon in Capricorn @01.07 GMT /UT
This full moon illuminates the Cancer Capricorn axis of family, tradition, and authority. With the Sun in Cancer emotions are heightened, and the Moon in Capricorn brings the balance of strength, stability, emotional support, and father energy. A T-square to Neptune brings the energy of dreams and illusions, and a test of clarity.
29 June Saturn retrograde: the Lord of Karma is going retrograde in Pisces until 15 November. This is a time for retrospective action on what you have been building, to test whether the structures are sound. Saturn in Pisces is a somewhat contradictory energy, and there may be some back and forth and renegotiation of boundaries.
June is a month of expansion, connection and communication; with a renewed sense of purpose in the elevation of solar light. It is time to release the bounds and revel in the beauty of your soul.
Katy Sophia 03.03.2024
Artwork: Yana Anikina Art