This New Moon allows us to integrate and process all the truths that have been revealed since the Full Moon in Sagittarius lunar eclipse. Many things have rocked our world, inner and outer. This time in the eclipse cauldron, during Mercury retrograde, has brought up extremely deep layers of karma, personal and collective. Truths are being revealed about people and their true intentions. Soul family are coalescing. As we move towards the Gemini moon, the duality of this sign is bringing into focus the sharp contrast of the split we are facing.
The blood moon was conjunct a star in the head of the Scorpion relating to poison. The poisons in our environment and the toxins shedding from people’s bodies are a major concern for humanity. Also the toxic emotions can no longer be hidden. Working with Isis and Serket, the Scorpion Goddess, can help to transform the poisons in our body and energy fields.
While Mercury has been retrograding through Gemini, we have had a chance to go back over communications from the past, and reassess things. Perhaps some conversation or message from years back will make sense now. You will be shown chains and patterns of communication that add up to a clear picture. Mercury retrograde in Gemini cleanses the mind.
With the no holds barred Sagittarian energy ruled by Jupiter in Pisces, we will be shown compassionately where we can be more honest with ourselves, remove layers of falsehood and illusion, and see much more clearly. Do you stand for the truth, or do you stand for a lie? It is time to wake up now.
The Sun and Moon are conjunct Mercury in retrograde. This allows a communication reset, which is very important right now. Things may have become strained, tense, and it is vital to allow yourself a mental break, and pause to reflect. Enter the silence of the new moon, the reset of the solar eclipse, and let go of everything. All the past communications, preconceived ideas, stress, tension and new information. Let everything settle and find a new balance.
The Sun, Moon and Mercury are square Neptune, which means that you still need to be vigilant for lies and deception around you. Do not be seduced or glamoured by the illusion. This aspect is calling your mind to come into alignment with your spirit. Meditate, connect with the Divine, and do not allow your 3D mind to take over. Shift into 5D.
The Mars Pluto opposition from Cancer to Capricorn is creating pressure for the collective. Situations of domination and control, being caught between a rock and hard place, are features of this energy. It is a very heavy opposition symbolic of violent crime. Many people are being trapped and inconvenienced by the systems of control, and having crimes perpetrated upon them. Human rights are key.
The sign of Gemini speaks of duality, with the twin stars Castor and Pollux, one light one dark. Beware of people who speak with forked tongues. The division that is happening in humanity is affecting families and friends, nations and the worldwide community. The belief systems are splitting, and there is nothing we can do about this. This is no time for sitting on the fence. If you are of the New Earth, BE of the New Earth. If you work for the New Earth, WORK for the New Earth. If you love the New Earth, LOVE the New Earth like your own child. As we cherish this beloved child we step forth into a higher created vibration, weaving the strands of light and entering temples and cities hitherto unseen with human eyes. Yes. We have arrived.
Beyond the duality – Oneness. Beyond lies and treachery – the Unified Heart. Beyond control – Freedom. Beyond ignorance – LOVE.
The ring of fire is the portal we must walk through, as we accept our soul tests and are not burned in the flames. The ring of fire is the golden ring of union with the Beloved.
Katy Sophia 09.06.2021
New Moon Solar Eclipse 19° Gemini 10 June @ 10.52 UT